segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015


Hello everyone!

Welcome to my blog!! I have some new pictures ...
Which one is your favorite? Let me know...

Vintage amazing white and gold beads. 


Old Botton recycled

Delicate Golden Danish Cluster - I love it....

This beads are so beautiful


Gota Turquesa  - Turquoise Drop

Sunny Drop Yellow

Pearl Drop Blue 

I've been working on bracelets, so will post some pictures of them soon.


sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2015


Studying techniques in my jewelry course I find ways to express my vision, and looked for to understand my style and what I want to purpose, to express.

I believe that jewelry does as much or even more as does clothes for the image building and impact. For some reason, it is common to call it an ¨accessory¨. The first person I heard talking about style in a different and vey interesting way was Cris Bemvenutti, Image Anatomist. She says that the word ¨accessory¨don't make justice to the importance that jewelry, shoes, bags, hats, scarfs and so on, have for the Image and Style.

I totally agree with Cris, and I believe that jewelry are a very special way to express Personality and Style. 

At some point, three words came to my mind about my style, what I want to express.

The hippie culture to me express a movement towards human connection with himself, the others and nature. Represents to me a special look for the priceless things, like peace and love.  Hippie because the materials that I use are vintage and because I work with them in a very relaxed and free creative process, looking for color, light and beauty.

Super is a world that exists in portuguese, french , english and spanish (maybe others). It means much, gigantic, big, with lot of power.This is how I see the power of jewelry to pop up womans beauty and style.

I'm a brazilian woman inspired for the italian and french style and art. I love this mix. I dont want to be a parisienne or look like a milanese girl. If you say ¨chic¨in China, or Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Africa, around the world everybody understands. Each person has their own concept of what is chic, for me it refers to something of quality, sophisticated and simple, interesting, something beautiful, well done and functional. Maybe unexpected. Proportional. I like to add that lessons to my own style, personality. and of course, my jewelry. 

My Inspiration Portfolio May 2015

My Inspiration Portfolio July 2015

Thank you....see you soon...


sábado, 18 de julho de 2015

Hippie Super Chic


Here is more pictures of my work to my Jewelry Design Course.

For our Final Work I need to design and craft a jewelry line. I don't have more information but I'm already working!  Im so happy with this new peaces, all the beads, crystals and chains are original vintage pieces. I like to work with vintage materials, color, very simple techniques and lines.
I called it Hippie Super Chic.

 Olá todo mundo!

(Gente, quem diria que um dia eu viria escrever um post e escreveria em inglês tão naturalmente quanto em  Português?? Então,,,após um ano aqui tendo que ouvir, falar e escrever, sinto que está começando a fluir e puxa, como isso faz diferença na vida da pessoa...Contudo, no meu curso de design de jóias tem tantos nomes tão específicos, me perco muitas vezes, então para compensar estou praticando bastante...)

O trabalho final do meu curso é desenhar e produzir uma linha de jóias, não sei detalhes ainda mas já estou trabalhando...Todas as contas, cristais e correntes dos brincos são peças vintage originais. Maravilhosas!!!

Eu estava pensando esses dias no estilo das minhas jóias, eu gosto de usar peças vintage, cor, linhas e técnicas super simples.

Eu chamei de Hippie Super Chic.

Gold Chain and Gold Drop

Green Effect

Spiritual Light

Gold and Blue

Sweet Heart

I have a lot of work to do!!!

Tenho muito trabalho pela frente,

Beijos, xoxo

domingo, 5 de julho de 2015


Olá pessoal!

Há 2 meses estou fazendo um curso de jóias, nas minhas férias do mestrado.
São seis unidades e eu fiz duas, construí os projetos para a escola e fiz mais algumas peças...



















Por enquanto são experiências e treino...

Estou usando material vintage, então as peças são praticamente únicas.

Fiz também algumas pulseiras e colares, em breve coloco mais fotos.

É muito divertido, tenho tanto pra aprender, muitas ideias para por em prática. Estou adorando conhecer os designers e seus estilos de jóias.

These are my first jewelry.
Some experiences and pratice...
I made some bracelets and necklaces, soon I post pictures.

gde beijo